Counter-Cyclical Investments is a Portfolio Management Service Provider duly registered with SEBI under Registration number INP000006554 since July 2019.
Counter-Cyclical Investments is a Portfolio Management Service Provider duly registered with SEBI under Registration number INP000006554 since July 2019.
He is an alumnus of Fergusson College, Pune, and has over one and a half decades of experience in equity markets. He is well versed and an expert in small-cap companies and has interacted with the management. He always looks at the company’s day-to-day operations.
Over 350 investors
have invested in
our process
Over ₹500 crores
have been invested using
our process
Trusted by
investors across
10 countries
Over 15,000 investors
use our tools before
deciding to invest
They charge a performance fee only when investors earn more than 10% annual returns.
They focus on diversified long-term value investments in small and mid-cap companies.
Investors need to have patience with a minimum investment horizon of 5 years.
They conduct thorough on-site research, including traveling to remote areas for firsthand insights.
If you have any queries, please contact Mr. Devanshu (AIFPMS VP) at +91 95616 10108 or email us at